

miriam jarrs

66         Born in Hamburg
92         Study of Illustration, University of Applied Sciences, Hamburg, Germany
04         Diploma

Exhibitions (selection):
10        "echoes on the golden edge"(solo), Westwerk, Hamburg, Germany
             KIAF Seoul, Sesame Gallery, Seoul, Korea

        "Small is Beautiful" (group), Flowers East, London, UK  
             "Wunderkammer" (group), Sesame Gallery, London, UK
"gleaming h." (solo), Sesame Gallery, London, UK  
             SCOPE Basel, Sesame Gallery, Basel, Switzerland
             "closer" (solo), Andrea Jacobi Galerie, Hamburg, Germany  
             Art Daego, Sesame Gallery, Daegu,  Korea  
             City Inn Westminster (solo), Long & Ryle, London, UK
             London Art Fair, Long & Ryle, London, UK
             London Art Fair, Sesame Gallery, London, UK  
08        "Small is Beautiful" (group), Flowers East, London, UK
             SCOPE London, Sesame Gallery, London, UK
             Art LONDON, Chelsea, Long & Ryle, London, UK
             20/21 British Art Fair, Kensington, Long & Ryle, London, UK
             "Five Years" (group), Sesame Gallery, London, UK  
             ReGroup (group), Sesame Gallery, London, UK
             "Das Geheimnis der Schönheit" (group), Andrea Jacobi Galerie, Hamburg, Germany

07         INDEX 07 (group) ,Kunsthaus, Hamburg, Germany (catalogue)
             "Small is Beautiful" (group), FLOWERS CENTRAL, London, UK
             "The Sesame Salon" (group), Sesame Gallery, London, UK
             BRIDGE ART FAIR, Sesame Gallery, London, UK
             "wirklich (true)" (solo), Elektrohaus-Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
             Sarah Harvey & Miriam Jarrs, Sesame Gallery, London, UK
             "one day" (solo) HSH Nordbank, Moorgate Hall, London, UK (catalogue)

06         "sing mein lied" (solo) at the Marstall, Ahrensburg, Germany"
             "geldbilder" (group), Fokus Altona, Hamburg, Germany
             "one day" (solo) HSH Nordbank, Moorgate Hall, London, UK (catalogue)

05         "nur bis zum hals " (solo) at FRISE, Hamburg, Germany
             "wechselstrom " (group), Motorenhalle, Dresden, Germany
             "Schichten der Wahrnehmung " (group), Kunstverein Kehdingen, Freiburg, Germany

             for further information please contact: